Dine and Ditch, Minus the Dine: A Story

Dine and Ditchers

The Beginning

These two are Josh and Bree, they are Jack and I’s first friend couple and we absolutely LOVE them.

They are also my heroes. They did something I have wanted to do many times, but have been way too scared, embarrassed and ashamed to ever go through with.

It was a beautiful night at Crown Casino in Southbank, as Josh and Bree waited for me to get to Cervo and start a fun filled night of food and movies. They sipped on their water, touched all the utensils, and started a relationship with the waiter. Suddenly, out of nowhere, they decided that Cervo wasn’t the best option. They had been there before and loved it, but the vibe wasn’t right.

The Middle

On the tram I was writing an apology in text form when I received a text with privilege informing me of our new meeting point. I couldn’t believe it. I knew they had already been seated, I knew exactly what it would take for them to leave. Lies. Betrayal. Risks. Danger.

I was scared as I sat down at Merrywell, our new location. Josh and Bree weren’t there yet. What if they were caught in their lie about being late to their movie? What if they left anything behind like a iPhone; would they go back to get it? What if they were made to pay for their water and died of embarrassment? All sorts of  What If’s echoed in my ear?

The End

They are brave souls for only few would do such things. I am not one of them. No matter how much I want to change my mind, if my butt touches the seat there is no way in hell I’m getting up. This may mean I’m weak, it may mean I’m not as adventurous as I though, but at least I’m safe.

I ran and bear hugged them as they walked in. I couldn’t believe they did it, lived to tell me the story, and have some good old American food with me. We found out Merrywell has got delicious shakes and YELLOW mustard – making every risk taken that night completely worth it.

Pre Meal Entertainment Performed by Queenstown, NZ

Entertainment before a meal is not something a restaurant or cafe is required to offer. Shame. Yea, I get it, most of the time you’re there because you’ve heard of a mouthwatering plate that you’ve conveniently ordered (great pick!) or you’re simply there to catch up with a friend(s). But! how cool would it be if something epic happened every single time you went out. I mean, you are now offered full dinner and drink menus at the right movie theaters and comedy show venues. The best pre-meal show I’ve had was in Hawaii, I was about 10 so I don’t remember much but I know I was shaking my hips, wearing a lei and loving life; by the time I sat down I was starving. Think back to this guy from Blue Crush. That was me.

My point is: I love pre meal entertainment of any kind. I really don’t discriminate. I’m even into the girl with an enormous, unnecessary, embarrassing Chanel tattoo the size of my hands side by side on her upper back, or a first date conversation going terrible wrong. Oh! Or a couple you can tell has been dating for some time because they’re actually double dating with their iPhones.

Queenstown, New Zealand though offers the coolest, most extreme, and random pre entertainment of all time, as voted by me. You may not get it before every meal but when you do, it makes up for all the times it wasn’t there. How’s a crazy man bungee jumping out of a helicopter into a stadium filled of rugby fans sound? Pretty freaking hunger inducing if you ask me!


The Daily Catch / Boston (Favorite)

I’m over the moon to be writing about The Daily Catch because, wouldn’t you know it, it’s my favorite restaurant in Boston! It took all of three years to find a favorite, but better late than never. The best part is we met The Daily Catch by chance. It makes sense though, I feel like that’s when the truly amazing, inspiring life stuff really happens.

My parents and I took the Amtrak at from Penn Station NY to South Station Boston and arrived at 11am with some time to kill. Giacomo’s Restaurant in the North End on Hanover Street was close to us and strongly recommended (with warnings of a long wait and a promise that it was all worth it). So we got in our rental car and tried to maneuver through the impossibly confusing one way streets of Boston in search of warm pasta. (Nothing about driving in Boston makes sense!) After a ton of wrong turns and misread parking signs we found ourselves infront of Giacomo’s. It was closed.

With huge disappointment and headache inducing hunger, we kept walking down Hanover Street. Not one restaurant seemed like it would deliver what was assured from Giacomo’s, so we kept walking until we peered through the windows of The Daily Catch.

There was only one table open in the small, cozy restaurant occupied by only 3 staff and no more than 20 customers. The all consuming smell as you open the door to enter confirms the fact their speciality is Calamari, the green awing only reinforces it.

There were no menus, only a large chalkboard detailing their offerings. Even with all the mouth watering options, it took me about 5 seconds to decide on the Putanesca; pureed olive, anchovy butter, sautéed with mushrooms, onion and peppers, with homemade black pasta. I’ve had black pasta before, but this dish was different than anything I’ve ever tasted. It was strong, creamy and full of flavors, yet still light with a olive accented aroma.

We also tried the fried calamari and the meatball calamari for appetizers. The fried calamari was as delicious as I hoped and though it would be. The meatball calamari is a different story though. It’s not for everyone (dad), but if you like it you won’t be able to get enough (mom and I).

A word to the wise and thrifty: Don’t be fooled by the super cool way your meal will served if your order the entree portion. Just because it comes in a pan doesn’t mean you’ll be able to gather enough energy and enthusiasm to finish it, especially if you also order appetizers.

This is the type of place that invites conversation. As we were walking out, the party of four taking out table asked what we had and how it was. We raved, and sang, and recommended, and laughed, and said our goodbyes. I just wanted to keep telling people about it.

I can’t imagine how packed the place must get for dinner on the weekends, but I can imagine myself waiting in line with a cold hot chocolate in hand regardless of the wait time.

The Paramount // Boston

I keep a draft folder in my gmail account filled with restaurants I want to visit. It’s categorized by city, which keeps the research and decision making easy when travelling. After five short days of visiting my sister I had crossed out everything on my Boston list, which caused disappointment on my families face when the only idea I could offer was a blank stare. We needed something fun, quick, and delicious, so I searched and searched my blogroll but couldn’t find anything that fit. I finally turned to Time Out Boston and found The Paramount.

The Paramount is a small caffe in Beacon Hill that stands out due to its head to toe red awning. Everything in Boston seems to include a hint of red in the fall, even the trees, and I’m loving it. Inside The Paramount you’ll find a long and open kitchen giving their cafeteria style eating system a comfortable and homey feel. As you walk in you will be greeted by a host who will explain how it all works. You get in line, choose what you’d like to devour, order, and watch as multiple chefs work together to prepare it. A little like Mama’s in San Francisco but you witness a lot more action.

The need for something warm and comforting lead me to order the Banana and Caramel French Toast; with the addition of a small coffee and a large orange juice my meal was perfect. I got caramel on the side, but it all ended up in my tummy anyway. I already knew banana and caramel was a match made in heaven but the addition of french toast is ace. I was suppose to share with my sister, but it somehow all disappeared before she had the chance to ask for some.

Every 5 minutes at least one person came walking through the door. On the Friday morning we went, it wasn’t unbelievably packed, but it was definitely busy which should have been a given due to it’s desirable location. Since they serve brunch until 430pm I’m sure it fills up quickly as the day goes on.

Another fun fact about The Paramount is that it’s run by Colombians! We probably should have tried the Huevos Rancheros, but I guess there’s always next time. And the time after that.

a request to my unborn children

One thing you should know about me is that I love birthdays. I love birthdays! I do! I’m not scared about getting older for that reason. With each birthday comes change and new adventures that I welcome with open arms and a two story vanilla cake. As long as I feel like I’m living my life the way I want to then bring on the wrinkles, and the canes, and the gray hair, and the hearing problems.

I do have one request though; a request mostly aimed directly at my unborn children and my years-away-from-being-born grandchildren: When I’m older and you’ve set time aside to spend a quality afternoon with your favorite grandmapants, for the love of buffets, please refrain from taking me hostage and treating me to Sweet Tomatoes.

I know I’m old(er), I can’t really understand what you’re saying, and probably chew my food a bit awkward, but I hope you understand that I’m still a human being and want to have new experiences. I would rather feel completely out of place at a youthful restaurant than a room full of my energetic peers. If at least for that one day, I want to go somewhere you’d eat if your grandma (I) wasn’t there, somewhere I would never go on my own.

That’s not to say I don’t enjoy a fresh and self-made salad from Sweet Tomatoes. I mean, how could you not enjoy unlimited pizza, cornbread and mac & cheese? But I’ll save those outings for my super hip friends in the nursing home, not my sweet, thoughtful, and clever family.

If my memory starts to fail me and I say I’m okay with going to Sweet Tomatoes, (like my great grandmother does with us) kick my cane from under me and show a printed version of this request. I will believe you.

Yes, I know I’m getting way too ahead of myself. You’re probably right.

When Shopping Leads to Eating.

You know how sometimes you agree to go shopping with a friend even though you absolutely can’t buy anything? And then you spend an entire day keeping away from anything resembling that black leather backpack from Top Shop you want, and outside your friends dressing room saying, “yes, definitely buy it! At least you can!”

This happens to me a lot. I especially tend to hover over any book section I find, but especially in Urban Outfitters.

In Urban Outfitters was, what I assume to be, the newest, most hip and exciting restaurant guide book sharing where in London I should be eating. I immediately turned to East London, my neighborhood. There was only one restaurant listed in there that I hadn’t heard of which actually interested me: E. Pellicci.

Located in East London, the family owned E. Pellicci takes up a very small amount of place on Bethnal Green Road. It’s cozy in there, making it perfect for the atmosphere they maintain. If you like to keep to yourself during breakfast and like to have no interaction with the server other than the necessary then stay away. You will become best friends with the server by the time you take your seat. His name will most likely be Nevio Junior, and he will most likely suggest you order the freshly squeezed orange juice. You should do it, it’s delicious.

He will also suggest the breakfast sandwich. I got mine with egg, bacon, cheese, tomato and mustard. It was so good I went back the same week for another. The amount of food you get for the price and quality is astonishing. E. Pellicci is the only place in London I found that I can really say that about.

To be honest, I chose to order the breakfast sandwich out of fear. The plates being served to the patrons sitting around us were at sauce capacity. The lasagna – actually, I’m not if it was lasagna I couldn’t see the actual food.

This is truly a restaurant to visit when you’re hungry. Even our breakfast sandwichs were too much. So if you’re ever in East London and in the mood for some filling food, make your way to E. Pellicci and visit Mama Maria. She will help you leave there full, with money in your pocket, and a new friend, maybe even two.

Burger or Lobster or Both.

Sometimes you want a burger and sometimes you feel like lobster, but other times you can go to a place called Burger & Lobster and take your time to decide.

I love Burger and Lobster, in SoHo, London, for their no bullshit attitude. If you haven’t put it together by now, they only offer two food options: a burger or  lobster. I still asked for a menu; I’m not very good at math. The waitress laughed, No, no, no you silly, clueless girl, she said while petting my head in a maternal like fashion. Okay, I’m exaggerating. She just laughed a little, then explained.

The deal is that for 20 pounds you can order a lobster, a burger or a lobster roll. All 3 meals are accompanied by a side of french fries, salad and garlic/butter sauce. It’s basically the equivalent of finding out there is a Six Flags in heaven, after you’re accepted in.

Another option if you’re entire party wants lobster is to choose from a variety of lobster sizes sold by pound. That option comes with unlimited french fries and unlimited salad. It felt like I had hit the jackpot, but in reality none of us finished our first round of sides.

I didn’t try the burger, but I do have at least 5 eye witness accounts of me going nuts over the lobster. It’s hard for me to judge lobster, since I was raised in Florida, but I can without a doubt say it wins “Most Fun Food”. I get in deep no matter the costs; I scoop, scrap, suck, hammer, rip and crack. I feel powerful and in control. Our waitress spotted me eating like a 3 year old, came over and said “she knows what she’s going” to my boyfriend. It was one of my proudest moments.

I do have to admit I really liked the lobster roll as well. The grilled and buttered roll it came with was a winning touch. But because I love the appearance of food and a little bang for my buck I’d probably stick with a whole lobster.

I say, don’t just pick one meal. Get two! Share! They will split anything perfectly in half for you. Have a party! I mean, you get a bib for goodness sake.

Burger and Lobster 

El Chapo Is Perfect The Way It Is.

The first thing to do when in London is to track down Lucky Chip.

Lucky for me, Seabright Arms in East London is their home. Unlucky for my health, that was right around the corner from my hotel. I kept hearing about their burgers since the start of summer, but I was in touristy mode then and didn’t want to have a meal in the area I was staying in. Now I’m (metaphorically) kicking myself, because I only enjoyed the El Chappo Burger from Lucky Chip twice.

El Chapo from Lucky Chip is the best burger I’ve ever had! And, trust me, that title is not easily won. It’s coming from someone who has tried a lot of burgers in a lot of countries, from the Fergburger in New Zealand to Shake Shack in New York to my older brother’s Summer BBQ burger. Yes, I have loved many burgers in my time, but I’ve never been sad to leave one behind. I still haven’t come to terms with the fact I may never have it again.

I miss the moment you take the first bite and the strong flavors hit you. The thick bacon comes at you, then the blue cheese takes over, while the jalapenos are plotting to get you. Meanwhile the aoili sauce is dripping down your arms and you’re cleaning yourself up with a french fry. I’ve obviously embraced the mess and hope you do too! So why not order a Brooklyn Lager too? Seabright Arms has it on tap!

Oh, one last thing: while the french fries are delicious (do not ponder whether you should get them or not. DO!) I hear the cheese fries are out of this world.

Oh, and second to last thing: Lucky Chip is very strict with their burgers. They won’t do add-ons, and frown upon take-offs. You won’t need to change anything anyway,  El Chapo is perfect the way it is.

Taking a Compliment

As much as I absolutely love when my boyfriend pays me a compliment, I have to admit there is no better compliment than one that comes from a random woman. A woman you have no connection to, one who is not a friend of a friend of a friend, just a woman who takes time out of her busy day to stop and tell you what she’s noticed.

During The Queen’s Jubilee celebrations while in London this summer, I thought to myself I must dress up in the Queen’s honor today. I’m not really into fashion so I did the best I could with what I had then added red lipstick. It seemed like a good fit.

We went for a delicious Sunday Roast at Cat and Mutton with a group of friends. Four very pretty girls sitting to the side of us kept giving me the stink eye as soon as we sat down… or at least that’s what it felt like. I didn’t know what I did wrong so I told myself not to worry about it and just enjoy my dinner. So I did. On my way out one of the girls starting saying something to me. I thought Oh, no here it comes. I don’t know what i was expecting but I thought the worst. I leaned in closer so I could hear and she said, “The pop of red on your lips looks flawless. We just had to tell you.” 

I was perplexed and felt an embarrassingly huge smile come on my face.I couldn’t stop thanking them. I would have given her a hug if she wasn’t a complete stranger. I wanted to leave my friends, pull a chair over to their table and make some new ones. Long live the Queen, I thought!

I think most women dress for other women. When a man compliments me I’m polite and say thank you but immediately think No, you’re color blind. You probably think this is a shade of orange. But when a woman compliments me I’m all like Oh My Goodness! Thank you! I can’t believe you noticed! (Only add in more exclamation marks.)

I’ve notice that we, the sisterhood, don’t complement each other enough. I for one am afraid to go up to a random person and give them a compliment. But we can all tell when someone has put in a little extra effort, so why not celebrate it? Next time I see that woman on the subway with the exact polca dotted jeans from Madewell I wish I could pull off, I’ll just tell her!

Very relevant side note: If you’re using a public bathroom and there is no more toilet paper in the stall you’re in, for the love of good hygiene and the sisterhood tell the girl who is going in after you. If you’re embarrassed because you don’t want people to think you drip-dried, lie. Say you’re sorry but you used the last of the toilet paper.  I can, without a doubt, guarantee the girl be grateful and you’ll a compliment in return.

Tech Takeover

This week I ordered dinner with an iPad, instead of a waiter for the first time. There was no waiter necessary, I just punched in the items I wanted, pressed ‘submit’ and my food magically appeared before me a few minutes late. I’m not going to lie, I was initially amused, even a little impressed. I mean, what is more fun than playing with an iPad until your food comes? That’s a trick question. The correct answer is: having a wonderful conversation with your boyfriend sitting across the table.

I started thinking more about the loneliness of using an iPad to place my order and realized this could be the start to a huge trend (if it hasn’t already started). This is more of a rant post than informational post so bare with me!

iPad in question:

Pros of ordering food through an iPad: 

  • You don’t go through that awkward thing of when the waitress takes too long to come to your table and you stare her down until she arrives.
  •  There is no way they will get your order wrong.Well…
  • You get to take silly Photobooth pictures or play Spider Solitaire while you wait. (Remember to delete them after you’re done!)
  • You’re in and out much quicker. (That’s what she said.) (Had to!)

Cons of ordering food through an iPad:

  • We are losing jobs to technology. The tech-take-over will not cease!
  •  The one waiter who is there isn’t as attentive to your table.
  • You don’t really get to ask for opinions and recommendations. That really sucks for someone like me.
  • Your friends may get offended that you want to play with the iPad
  • There is no button to request a refill on water.
  • You spend half your meal trying to come up with ways to steal the iPad. (Not me. Other people.)

As cool as ordering with an iPad was I can’t get on board with the whole idea. For me, one of the best parts of going to dinner is interacting with the waiter. I love dinner conversation and not to mention and being able to get the waiter’s attention when you need something like, garlic bread, another beerr, a side of melted chocolate, or a bib.