Working on our Tan-dem

Pacific Grove Bike Riding monterey bayMonterey Bay Monterey Bay Tandem Bikes Monarch butterflies Sea Harvest Sea Harvest Fish Market Sea Harvest Fish Market Sea Harvest Fish Market Sea Harvest Fish Market Sea HarvestFish and Chips We drove two hours from San Francisco to Monterey so we could bike ride around the breathtaking Pacific Grove.

Jack and I were the only ones out of three couples who dared to try a tandem bike. We were also matching in striped shirts because, well, we’re losers who really like each other. But suddenly, half way through the ride, it seemed everyone wanted to take our loser status. My sister kicked jack off for a bit so she could ride with me. Then my mom and dad stole the tandem bike before we could get to it while we were trying to get an embarrassingly perfect kissing picture on the rocks.

So there we were, famished after a 2 hour bike ride on the edge in Pacific Grove where we got to see all sorts of gorgeous things like an elephant seal, Lover’s Point, monarch butterflies, deer just skipping about, and most importantly the amazing backdrop of beach that is provided by Monterey Bay.

We asked a local  (or at least that’s what he said he was) where we should eat and he told us to go to the main street, “that’s the street all the locals eat at.” He lied. After walking on that road for a good 20 minutes we turned right out of pure frustration and demand from our bellies to look elsewhere.

Then Sea Harvest just sort of fell on our laps. We literally just walked into it; a food miracle. As soon as I laid my eyes on it, I knew. I knew this was the place that would make this day complete.

Because, what is a better meal than fish and chips with a beer after spending a day near the ocean doing physical activity? NOTHING! Especially when said fish and chips is coming from an 8 time award winning fish market. Not that awards mean anything to me, I definitely don’t make my parents display the abundant amount of trophies I EARNED growing up in my room.

Since there was 7 in our party there was an expected wait of about 30 minutes, but we didn’t care one bit. We ordered coronas and gawked at all the beautiful fish and produce on the market side of the restaurant that we wished we could take home.

I, for one, knew I was getting fish and chips the minute my eyes met the menu. The outside of each piece of fish was crispy but not dry, the inside was soft and moist, the chips were perfect. You needn’t ask me if I finished my plate. I wish I could bring a little pop up shop of Sea Harvest back to Melbourne. Goodness knows I have tried to find a favorite out of the fish and chip shops around, and have failed miserably.

Apparently though the favorite plate in the restaurant is the calamari combination since our waiter congratulated each person in our party who ordered it. Oh, and another unexpected thing about this place is the garlic bread! I know that sounds insignificant; garlic bread is almost always good, right? But if you are a real garlic bread lover, get it! And don’t believe them when they tell you one basket is enough for 7. Order accordingly.

Leaving Sea Harvest was bitter sweet, I left with hope that we will keep in touch and exchange hand written letters every now and then.

Sea Harvest
598 Foam St Monterey, CA 93940

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